Orihiro Super 100 Green Vegetable Essence Green Juice

¥3 061

Aojiru green juice to nourish and strengthen the body.

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SKU: ZM667754
Category: Aojiru
Weight with packaging: 100 g
Dimensions: 5 × 8 × 15 cm

Orihiro Super 100 Green Juice contains non-digestible dextrin, which enhances peristalsis and helps improve digestion. Aojiru helps to eliminate toxins and general detoxification of the body. The drink is useful during dieting. Non-digestible dextrin fills the stomach and ensures that the amount of food consumed is reduced. Super 100 Green Vegetable Essence green juice is enriched with folic acid. It helps to maintain energy and good mood, helps to raise hemoglobin levels in the blood. It is also useful for healing the nervous system. Vitamin C provides antioxidant effect, strengthens immunity. Calcium improves the condition of bones and teeth. Potassium improves heart function and contributes to the optimal supply of oxygen to brain cells.

How to use: dissolve the contents of 1-2 sticks in water (in the ratio of 150 ml to 1 stick).

Ingredients: curly kale leaf extract, non-digestible dextrin.


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