Ocha Itoen Green Tea

¥1 000

Traditional Japanese green tea of high quality.

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SKU: ZM356274
Category: Tea
Weight with packaging: 170 g
Dimensions: 5 × 8 × 13 cm
Weight of goods

Farmer’s green tea with a pleasant taste and aroma. Produced on a private farm with care for each tea bush. Different size tea leaf shapes, fresh tea buds, strong tea stems and dark green tea powder have been preserved for unique flavor and aroma. Using deep evaporated tea making technology, the dark green color is preserved and the infusion is stronger. During the production process, the leaves are not roasted, but only steamed. Thanks to this, the tea retains much more vitamins and minerals in its composition. The broken leaves and stems enhance the aroma and flavor.

Preparation method: put 3 teaspoons of leaves (approx. 5g) in a teapot, pour boiling water, brew for about 30 seconds and stir.

Ingredients: 100% sencha tea.


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