Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Multi Vitamin Mineral Coenzyme Q10 Vitamin and Mineral Complex

¥1 556

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SKU: ZM851308
Brand: Kobayashi
Category: Vitamins
Weight with packaging: 100 g
Dimensions: 2 × 10 × 15 cm

Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Multi Vitamin Mineral Coenzyme Q10 vitamin and mineral complex of 23 elements with added coenzyme Q10. Provides comprehensive support for the body. Strengthens immunity and improves heart function. Increases metabolism and normalizes digestion. Rich composition, which includes vitamins C, D, E and K, B vitamins, folic acid, calcium and plant extracts, makes the complex universal. Created for daily support of the body.

How to use: for people over 15 years 4 capsules per day.

Composition: Vitamin B1 1.0 mg, Vitamin B2 1.12 mg, Vitamin B6 1.0 mg, Vitamin B12 0.002 mg, Vitamin C 80.0 mg, Vitamin D 0.0024 mg, Vitamin E 7.6 mg, Vitamin K 0.0064 mg, Niacin 11.0 mg, Folic Acid 0.2 mg, Biotin 0.03 mg, Carotene 4.03 mg, Calcium pantothenate 6.56 mg, Calcium 552.6 mg, Iron citrate 25.2 mg, Magnesium oxide 131.16 mg, Copper gluconate 1.44 mg, Manganese yeast 1.5 mg, Selenium yeast 3.84 mg, Zinc gluconate 16,16 mg, Chromium 4.0 mg, Molybdenum 14.0 mg, Methyl Hesperidin 5.0 mg, Coenzyme Q 10 5.0 mg, Black Pepper Extract 5.0 mg, Gelatin (containing sucrose) 8.6 mg, Dextrin 4.9 mg, Processed Starch 6.6 mg, Arabic gum 2.1 mg, Vegetable oil (containing white sugar) 1.4 mg, Crystalline cellulose 132.8 mg, Sucrose fatty acid ester 24.0 mg, Maltose 120.4 mg, Silicon oxide 21.7 mg.


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