Fancl vitamin complex for women 40+

¥4 820

Vitamin complex for women from 40 to 50 years old.

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SKU: ZM327300
Brand: FANCL
Category: For women
Weight with packaging: 100 g
Dimensions: 5 × 15 × 20 cm

Vitamins after 40 for women who care not only about their health, but also about their appearance. In the composition of this product there are 7 special, carefully selected supplements that are simply necessary for women of this age group. Among them are folic acid, lutein, coenzyme Q10, bilberry extract, DHA-purified fish oil, pantothenic acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, B vitamins: B1, B2, B6, B12. The vitamin complex contains anti-aging components that will help to preserve youth for a long time.

Vitamin complex FANCL 40 will improve the general condition, lift your mood, add energy, maintain youthfulness and elasticity of the skin, strengthen hair and bone tissue, preserve vision.

How to use: A day is recommended to use 1 – 2 sachets, regardless of meals. One sachet of Good Choice contains: nattokinase and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), blueberries and lutein, coenzyme Q10, α-lipoic acid, vitamins B and C, HTC-collagen supplement and soy saponin, calcium and magnesium.

Nutritional Value (1 sachet contains): Beta-carotene: 1.1 mg, vitamin D: 0.42 mcg, vitamin E: 14 mg, vitamin K: 5 mcg, vitamin B1: 8.8 mg, vitamin B2: 4 mg, niacin: 5 mg, vitamin B6: 5.8 mg, folic acid: 67 mcg, vitamin B12: 21 mcg, biotin: 167 mcg, pantothenic acid: 10 mg, vitamin C: 333 mg, calcium: 58 mg, magnesium: 29 mg, DHA-containing purified fish oil: 150 mg (DHA: 37 mg), plant oligosaccharide Twintose: 83 mg, milk thistle extract: 77 mg (bioflavonoid silibin: 23 mg), blueberry extract: 60 mg (36% anthocyanins), HTC-collagen supplement (tripeptide-rich collagen): 58 mg, α-lipoic acid: 33 mg, coenzyme Q10: 30 mg, natto soybean extract powder: 25 mg (nattokinase : 500FU), medicinal eyebright extract: 20 mg, inositol: 17 mg, soy saponin: 17 mg, tocotrienol: 6 mg, vitamin P (hesperidin): 3.8 mg, lutein: 1.2 mg, isoflavones: 0.2 mg (aglycone-soy isoflavone equivalent: 0.125 mg) [vitamin A equivalent: 92 mcg]. (Twintose is a patented plant-derived oligosaccharide).

Before using the vitamin complex it is necessary to consult with the attending physician.


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