Fancl Good Choice Woman 20 Vitamin Complex

¥2 500

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SKU: ZM692140
Brand: FANCL
Category: For women
Weight with packaging: 150 g
Dimensions: 5 × 15 × 20 cm

Fancl Good Choice Woman 20 vitamin complex is designed for girls in their 20s and 30s and is aimed at maintaining female health. It consists of natural ingredients and is designed with age-related changes in mind. A competent combination of vitamins, minerals and trace elements will help to preserve the beauty of skin, hair and nails. Iron, coenzyme Q10, vitamin E and carotene will protect against anemia, cell damage and fill the body with energy. Lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin and HTC collagen will prevent aging. The complex will help keep the skin young and firm. Vitamins are packaged in individual sachets for convenient use. Each sachet contains 5 tablets for one day.

Composition: HTC-collagen – 150 mg (collagen tripeptide); vitamin B1 – 8.3 mg; coenzyme Q10 – 3 mg; vitamin E – 50 mg; vitamin D – 0.42 mcg; magnesium – 29 mg; niacin – 5 mg; lutein – 3 mg; inositol – 17 mg; folic acid – 117 mcg; biotin – 166.6 mcg; copper – 0.23 mg; vitamin P (hesperidin) – 2.8 mg; vitamin A – 208 mcg; vitamin C – 333 mg; zeaxanthin – 0.1 mg; calcium – 58 mg; pantothenic acid – 10 mg; vitamin B6 – 3.7 mg; zinc – 0.7 mg; beta-carotene – 2.3 mg; carotene – 0.43 mg; vitamin B12 – 21 mcg; lycopene – 0.8 mg; vitamin B2 – 4 mg; plant component Tsuintosu – 208 mg; iron – 1.5 mg.

How to use: 1 – 3 sachets per day.


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