Vitamins for freedom of movement DHC Walking force

¥2 304

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SKU: ZM297760
Brand: DHC
Category: For the musculoskeletal system
Weight with packaging: 50 g
Dimensions: 2 × 18 × 15 cm

DHC Walking force vitamins strengthen the spine and bones. The complex fills the body with energy and increases overall tone. The basis of the preparation is black ginger, which is rich in valuable components. It contains calcium, iron, chromium, magnesium, phosphorus, fatty acids, asparagine and other amino acids. Black ginger normalizes the work of the main systems of the body. The complex has an antioxidant effect. Prevents age-related changes. Has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Eliminates pain and fatigue during walking and sports. Strengthens muscles and musculoskeletal system.

How to use: 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Ingredients: chicken cartilage extract – 68 mg, HMB calcium – 75 mg, CBP (concentrated whey active protein) – 6 mg, β-cryptoxanthin – 0.1 mg, 5,7-dimethoxyflavone (derived from black ginger) – 1.89 mg.


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