Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Gyakuria Stomach Pain and Vomiting Remedy

¥2 095

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SKU: ZM053094
Brand: Kobayashi
Category: For the gastrointestinal tract
Weight with packaging: 50 g
Dimensions: 2 × 10 × 6 cm

Natural herbal complex Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Gyakuria normalizes the gastrointestinal tract. The drug improves gastric juice secretion and relieves pain in the stomach. The complex will help cope with discomfort when overeating or food poisoning. Effective in upset stomach and vomiting, decreased appetite and exacerbation of gastritis. The drug contains only natural components. Has a mild effect.

How to use: 1 tablet a day, drinking plenty of water.

Ingredients: Rokkunshito extract 1.9 g, Carrot 2.0 g, Veretennik 2.0 g, Poria 2.0 g, Pinellia 2.0 g, Mandarin peel 1.0 g, Liquorice 0.5 g, Ginger root 0.25 g.

For persons over 15 years of age.


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