DHC Purge Medicine for the intestines

¥1 284

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SKU: ZM839127
Brand: DHC
Category: For the gastrointestinal tract
Weight with packaging: 30 g
Dimensions: 2 × 8 × 5 cm

DHC Purge Medicine helps to quickly and easily eliminate fecal matter from the intestines and normalize digestion. The unique coating of the tablet allows it not to dissolve in the stomach. The drug penetrates into the intestine and acts directly in it. The drug increases the secretion of mucus in the large intestine. Taking the remedy is recommended for skin rashes, loss of appetite, abdominal bloating, hemorrhoids. Effective in the treatment of intestinal atony. The active component is bisacodyl. It activates intestinal peristalsis and stimulates defecation. Means for the prevention of constipation. After taking the drug, the intestine becomes cleansed. Does not cause side effects. The result from the use of the drug appears the morning after the first intake.

How to use: for people over 15 years – 1 to 3 tablets. Under 15 years of age – not recommended to take.


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