Agaric Brazilian contains various amino acids, vitamin D, B vitamins, magnesium, potassium. It also contains a set of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, which are easily digested in the gastrointestinal tract. Agaric Brazilian mushroom contains the highest concentration of antitumor saccharide – beta-glucan, which has a deep absorption by the walls of the stomach and high flow into the blood. Beta-glucan has immune-modeling effects on the body. Beta-glucan sets in motion a chain reaction and activates immune activity. Agaric stimulates various immune cells (macrophages, natural killer cells) and makes every cell in the body more viable. It stimulates the production of interferon and interleukins. Taking Agaricus Brazilianus extract is preventive for chronic hepatitis and other liver diseases. Helps build a robust liver defense.
How to use: 3-9 teaspoons a day, drinking water or with meals.
Ingredients: Agaric extract, vitamin C.
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