Hydrating and nourishing serum Kanebo Twany Esthetude AGT Concentrate

¥25 919

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SKU: ZM343315
Brand: Kanebo
Category: Serums
Weight with packaging: 100 g
Dimensions: 4 × 4 × 12 cm
Scope30 ml
Product series

Kanebo Twany Esthetude AGT Concentrate Serum moisturizes and nourishes the skin, leaving it fresh and firm.

The serum is based only on natural botanical ingredients. These include macadamia oil, coconut oil, okra and chia seed extracts that smooth the skin and prevent dehydration. Natural oils and extracts give the skin elasticity and provide protection from negative external factors.

The serum is enriched with vitamin complex, thanks to which it nourishes and saturates skin cells with necessary substances. It has an antioxidant effect and optimizes metabolism.

Twany Esthetude AGT Concentrate Serum gives your skin a radiant and bright color. The skin gets a healthy and fresh look.

How to use: a small amount of the product to distribute over the surface of cleansed skin.


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