Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Acne Spray

¥1 710

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SKU: ZM504268
Brand: Kobayashi
Category: For acne
Weight with packaging: 150 g
Dimensions: 4 × 4 × 14 cm
Scope100 ml

Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Acne Spray for the treatment of acne on the upper arms, chest and back. Helps to get rid of pimples and black spots and prevent the appearance of new ones. Contains natural ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the skin. Salicylic acid fights against pimples, black spots, blackheads and age spots. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial action. Allantoin moisturizes the skin and reduces oily shine. The spray is easy to use. Regular use will restore the normal function of skin glands.

How to use: spray the product on the affected area of the skin.


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