Hiba Knight Chiko Coloring Acne Treatment Ointment

¥1 591

Ointment for the prevention and treatment of acne.

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SKU: ZM056315
Brand: Kobayashi
Category: For acne
Weight with packaging: 50 g
Dimensions: 3 × 5 × 11 cm
Scope12 ml

Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Hiba Knight Chiko Coloring Ointment quickly removes inflammation and prevents redness and suppuration. No acne marks are guaranteed after using the ointment. The product has antibacterial and bactericidal actions. Ointment, in addition to treatment, moisturizes and softens the skin. The causes of acne are many (hormonal disorders (during menstruation, pregnancy, taking hormonal drugs), poor diet, poor-quality cosmetics, decreased immunity) and such a remedy is suitable at any age and at any severity of the disease.

How to use: apply a small amount of ointment on the affected area of the skin, massage, use as needed.

Ingredients: Sulfur, Phenol, Concentrated glycerin, Bentonite, Kaolin, Flavoring.


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