Albion Exage White Bright Dew Cream for the face

¥9 227



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SKU: ZM148257
Category: Creams
Weight with packaging: 80 g
Dimensions: 5 × 5 × 5 cm
Weight of goods

Exage White Bright Dew Cream is an innovative face cream with powerful whitening properties.

The cream perfectly copes with both common freckles and large age spots caused by age-related changes in the skin or exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The cream provides UV protection, preventing the appearance of new sunburns.

The cream inhibits pigment synthesis, further increasing its effectiveness and long-lasting effect on the skin. It is a therapeutic cream that not only protects the skin from radiation, but also helps to deal with its effects.

The cream moisturizes and refreshes the skin, relieving itching and easing the pain of sunburn, energizes skin cells and accelerates their recovery from damage.

The cream has a very pleasant light texture. It is quickly absorbed into the skin without leaving sticky or greasy traces on its surface. The skin after using the cream becomes smoother and silky, visibly brightened and cleansed

How to use: The cream should be used after applying lotion or toner. With a special spatula take a little cream and evenly apply to the entire surface of the face, starting with the nose, both cheeks, forehead and chin.


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