Metatsinpas Takamitsu Pain Relief Gel

¥1 098

A gel to relieve muscle and joint pain, to keep muscles and joints healthy.

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SKU: ZM976364
Category: Uncategorized
Weight with packaging: 150 g
Dimensions: 4 × 6 × 15 cm
Scope80 ml

Metatsinpas Takamitsu gel relieves any kind of muscle pain and joint pain with inflammation.

It effectively accelerates the elimination of lactic acid and other toxins from muscles, increases the supply of building proteins, nutrients and oxygen to damaged tissues, and removes excess fluid.

The gel soothes inflammation, relieves muscle fatigue, reduces the temperature of the inflammation focus.

The gel contains only active components: indomethacin – relieves inflammation and pain, reduces temperature in muscles, eliminates swelling, expands the range of motion; l-menthol – a good analgesic agent, cools muscles and skin, reduces swelling and reduces inflammation; tocopherol – a circulatory stimulant, accelerates oxygen delivery to muscle and joint tissues, wound healing and lactic acid excretion.

Ingredients (100 ml): indomethacin – 1000 mg, l-menthol – 3000 mg, tocopherol.


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