Teru OX anesthetic ointment

¥1 000

Pain relieving ointment for muscles and joints.

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SKU: ZM269165
Brand: Hapycom
Category: Health, Pain Relief Products
Weight with packaging: 118 g
Dimensions: 4 × 5 × 12 cm
Scope82 ml

Helps to quickly relieve acute pain in joints and muscles. Thanks to the roller nozzle, the product is very convenient to use.

It has warming and antipyretic effects.

Ointment Teru OX is recommended to use as an analgesic for pain in the lower back, bruises, sprains, stiff neck muscles, joint pain, muscle pain, muscle fatigue, frostbite, fracture pain.

Composition ( active ingredients )in 100 ml: Glycol Salicylic acid 3.5 g, methyl salicylate 3.5 g, L-menthol 6.0 g, DL-camphor 2.0 g, Vanillylamide Nonylic acid 15mg, Glycyrretinic acid 0.1 g.

Directions for use: Apply to the painful area several times a day.

Over-the-counter medication.


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