Kowa Eye Free AL Soothing Eye Drops

¥2 110

Eye drops to maintain the health of the mucous membrane of the eye.

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SKU: ZM864669
Brand: Kowa
Category: Eye drops
Weight with packaging: 50 g
Dimensions: 6 × 6 × 10 cm
Scope10 ml

Kowa Eye Free AL eye drops effectively relieve fatigue and provide a comfortable feeling. The product is designed to maintain the health of the eye mucosa, as it maintains optimal hydration and repairs damaged cornea.

After the first application, redness disappears and the general condition of the mucous membrane of the eye improves.

Drops Can reduce symptoms of seasonal allergies caused by flower pollen.

Kowa Eye Free AL prevents the appearance and development of eye diseases and accelerates the healing process.

Directions for use: Put 1-2 drops into the eyes 4 times a day.


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