Multivitamins and minerals FANCL

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SKU: ZM909958
Brand: FANCL
Category: Dietary and Nutritional Supplements
Weight with packaging: 159 g
Dimensions: 20 × 12 × 3 cm

This is a unique product from FANCL, which compensates for the lack of 11 types of vitamins and 10 types of minerals in the body. The effective combination of vitamins and minerals allows the complex to work perfectly. Thanks to the highest quality, they are perfectly absorbed in the body and retained for a long time.

The main task of B vitamins is to release energy, as they are involved in the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose and the breakdown of proteins with fats. They have an antidepressant effect. Vitamin E is often called the “women’s vitamin” because it protects the body from premature aging and is essential for normal reproductive function.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. It helps repair cell membranes and protects tissues from free radicals that destroy body cells. Vitamin E helps to improve skin and hair nutrition, reduce dryness, and strengthen nails. Vitamin E works well with vitamin C presented in this complex. Without it, it is impossible to build cells and organs, protect the human body from infections. The activity of the liver depends on vitamin C. The liver is the organ that ensures the purity and fullness of the blood.

Vitamin D is involved in the regulation of an enzyme that is necessary for the production of hormones for good mood and well-being, so the “sunshine vitamin” protects against depression. One of the important functions of vitamin D in the body is to stimulate the production of cathelicidin.

Folic acid is necessary for the creation and maintenance of new cells, so it is essential for pregnant women, especially in early pregnancy, and for men for normal sperm production.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is necessary to increase longevity, it starts the process of energy production, which is especially necessary for the body during increased mental and physical stress. It promotes wound healing.

Beta-carotene protects the cells of our body from the negative effects of free radicals. Coenzyme Q10 improves oxygen utilization at the cellular level, especially in heart muscle and brain cells. Iron promotes stable metabolism and transports oxygen from the lungs to the cells. Iron is involved in the formation of hemoglobin. Magnesium is the most important mineral for the heart. Iodine is a component of thyroid hormones and is necessary for their synthesis.

the 23 components balanced in this complex make it a unique and effective means of maintaining beauty and health.

Packaging: 180 pieces for 30 days
Ingredients: niacin – 525 mg, pantothenic acid – 9.2 mg, biotin – 45 mcg, beta-carotene – 5400 mcg, vitamin B1 – 2.2 mg, vitamin B2 – 2.4 mg, vitamin B6 – 3.2 mg, vitamin B12 – 6 mcg, vitamin C – 100 mg, vitamin D – 5 mcg, vitamin E – 10 mg, folic acid – 200 mcg., vitamin P – 20 mg., vitamin E., calcium – 250 mg., iron – 7.5 mg., zinc – 6.0 mg., copper – 0.6 mg., magnesium – 125 mg., selenium – 30.2 mcg., chromium – 28.3 mcg., manganese – 1.5 mg., iodine – 50.8 mcg., molybdenum – 10.5 mcg.
How to take: 6 capsules a day, drinking water.
Contraindications: individual intolerance to the component.

Is not a medicinal product.

Before use, consult your doctor.

The recommended daily dose should be observed.

Due to the content of vitamin B2 in the product, the biological fluid may have a yellow color.

The skin may take on a yellowish color due to the presence of carotenoids in the product.


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