Utena Merfini Moist Hair Cream

¥1 512

Moisturizing cream for dry and damaged hair.

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SKU: ZM424598
Brand: UTENA
Category: Masks and oils
Weight with packaging: 250 g
Dimensions: 4 × 7 × 13 cm
Weight of goods
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Utena Merfini Moist Hair Cream fully restores the structure of dry and damaged hair after coloring, blow drying, perming and other adverse effects. The cream effectively nourishes the hair structure, giving it shine and smoothness, restoring even very dry and damaged hair. Amino acid complex penetrates into the core of the hair, saturating it with moisture, and vegetable oils smooth the surface of the hair, preserving moisture inside. Suitable for protecting hair when blow drying.

How to use: take the required amount of cream in the palm of your hand and distribute it throughout the hair. Apply the cream on clean and already dried hair.


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