Utena Everish White Clay Facial Scrub Wash

¥1 161

Scrub with white clay for deep pore cleansing.

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SKU: ZM091869
Brand: UTENA
Category: Cleansing
Weight with packaging: 180 g
Dimensions: 4 × 6 × 15 cm
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Utena Everish White Clay Scrub Wash gently cleanses normal and problematic skin. Thanks to the white clay powder included in the composition, it deeply cleanses the skin from both minor impurities and black spots, making the skin unusually soft and smooth. Narrows pores. Collagen and hyaluronic acid provide lifting effect. It contains a triple moisturizing premium formula that slows down aging, stimulates metabolic processes in skin cells and helps retain moisture. White clay eliminates sebum from the pores and skin surface, providing a matte finish. After using the scrub, the skin becomes soft and pleasant to the touch.

How to use: mix the necessary amount of the product with water, foam and lightly clean the skin surface with its help, then rinse thoroughly.


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