Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Liver Extract+Ornithine

¥1 777

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SKU: ZM768137
Brand: Kobayashi
Category: For liver health
Weight with packaging: 100 g
Dimensions: 2 × 8 × 15 cm

Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Liver Extract+Ornithine promotes the restoration of impaired liver function. The drug removes toxins and toxins, accelerates the regeneration of liver cells and normalizes metabolism. The complex is designed for those who abuse alcohol and eat unhealthy food. Liver extract is rich in vitamin B12, iron and folic acid. Ornithine helps prevent and combat hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatic encephalopathy, as well as the prevention of wrinkles, facial puffiness and bags under the eyes, the formation of deep nasolabial folds and improvement of the facial oval. Taking the complex provides a general recovery of the body. Normalizes the content of bilirubin in the blood and improves the work. Recommended for hepatitis, hepatosis, liver failure, cirrhosis, digestive disorders, poisoning and toxic liver damage.

Directions for use: 4 tablets daily, wash down with warm water, without chewing.

Ingredients: Liver extract 180.0 mg, Ornithine hydrochloride 510.3 mg, Vitamin B2 1.6 mg, crystalline cellulose 446.1 mg, calcium stearate 24.0 mg, dextrin 20.0 mg, silicon oxide 18.0 mg.


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