Biore Moisture Moisture Weak Acid Water Moisturizing Lotion

¥1 284

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SKU: ZM905664
Brand: KAO
Category: Lotions
Weight with packaging: 300 g
Dimensions: 4 × 7 × 16 cm
Scope200 ml
Product series

Kao Biore Moisture Weak Acid Water Moisturizing Lotion is an effective daily treatment for skin prone to dryness, flaking and early wrinkles.

The lotion quickly combats all signs of dryness and at the same time intensively regenerates, smoothes and tones the skin.

After application it gives a pleasant feeling of smoothness and freshness.

Absolutely hypoallergenic. Its use is allowed for children’s skin as a moisturizer

Deep moisturizing of the skin and normalization of water balance of the epidermis is the main condition of youth and beauty of the skin, along with its daily nourishment with necessary substances and cleansing.

How to use: Cleanse the skin and apply a little toner over the entire surface with soft massaging movements.


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