Kracie Hadabisei Moisturizing Facial Emulsion

¥1 474

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SKU: ZM007299
Brand: Kracie
Category: Lotions
Weight with packaging: 150 g
Dimensions: 6 × 6 × 13 cm
Scope130 ml
Product series

Kracie Hadabisei Moisturizing Facial Emulsion gets rid of dry skin and fills the skin with a pleasant sensation.

This product is able to have a rejuvenating effect, brighten the skin tone. It fights excessive pigmentation. Peony extract soothes inflammation, accelerates the process of their recovery, eliminates bacteria

The composition contains ceramides, they improve the condition of dry, prone to flaking skin, strengthen its protective functions.A soy isoflavones have a powerful anti-aging effect, give elasticity.

How to use: Apply a little product to pre-cleaned skin, leave until fully absorbed.


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