Collagen and hyaluronic acid Orihiro

¥2 374

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SKU: ZM575637
Category: Collagen
Weight with packaging: 200 g
Dimensions: 4 × 12 × 15 cm
Weight of goods

The composition of the preparation contains a high content of collagen, low-molecular hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, ceramides. All these components support beauty. Collagen provides elasticity and strength of cartilage, ligaments, bones, strengthens the connective tissue of the spine, increases blood flow to the muscles, improves the condition of skin, nails and hair.
Dense collagen is collagen containing 30 times more PO, OG (prolylhydroxyproline, hydroxyprolylglycine), which is a dipeptide unique to collagen compared to normal collagen. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is the main component of the intercellular substance of the dermis. With its tremendous water-holding capacity, hyaluronic acid maintains skin firmness, elasticity and smoothness at the tissue level. Allows you to rejuvenate and keep the skin in good condition for a long time.
Directions for use: 1 tablespoon with a slide (6 mg) dissolve in warm water, orange juice, milk or any other beverage. Can also be consumed with desserts such as yogurt or ice cream. Take once a day in the morning or evening.
Course 30 days. The recommended course is 2-3 months.

Ingredients: fish collagen peptide – 5500 mg, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid – 20 mg, glucosamine – 100 mg, ceramide – mcg.


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