Complex with Omega-3 and porcine placenta Fine Japan Power Prime DHA, EPA

¥2 723

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SKU: ZM577458
Category: Dietary and Nutritional Supplements, Health, Omega-3, Placenta
Weight with packaging: 150 g
Dimensions: 3 × 10 × 16 cm

The complex combines the best substances that revitalize the body. Among them are pig placenta, DHA and EPA fatty acids, garlic extract.

Fatty acids and pork placenta have a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. The complex prevents obesity, normalizes brain function, improves cognitive function and helps to combat psycho-emotional fatigue.

Garlic extract is characterized by multifunctional action. It strengthens immunity, helps with diabetes and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.It reduces nervous tension and increases energy potential.

After taking the complex, the body recovers and is filled with vital energy.

How to use: 4 tablets a day.

Ingredients: DHA-containing purified fish oil, gelatin, garlic extract, porcine placenta extract, harp seal oil, rice germ extract (octacosanol-containing), glycerin, beeswax, fatty acid ester glycerin, vitamin E.


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