Hydrogen water activator rod Power Hydrogen Water

¥3 241

Magnesium rod for hydrogen saturation of water.

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SKU: ZM558707
Category: Hydrogen Water Generator
Weight with packaging: 50 g
Dimensions: 4 × 8 × 15 cm
Weight of goods

Magnesium rod Power Hydrogen Water is the latest development of Japanese specialists. It saturates water with hydrogen and it becomes a powerful antioxidant, acting on free radicals and restoring the necessary level of hydrogen in the blood.

A special rod saturates the water with hydrogen for several hours. If you drink at least two liters of this water every day, you can notice a significant improvement in your health and well-being after a few weeks.

Hydrogen-enriched water can help with weight loss, treat chronic diseases, and improve skin and hair health.

One rod is designed for 90 liters of water (2-3 months of use).

How to use: wash the rod with running water after opening the package; place it in a container with 0.5 liters of water; after 30 minutes, the water is ready for use.

The water can be used for washing and cooking.


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