Vitamin and mineral complex Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Calcium+Vitamin D+Soy Isoflavone

¥1 260

Vitamin and mineral complex to maintain a healthy body and fill it with energy.

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SKU: ZM688946
Brand: Kobayashi
Category: Vitamins
Weight with packaging: 60 g
Dimensions: 2 × 10 × 16 cm

Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Calcium+Vitamin D+Soy Isoflavone Complex contains 3 useful components: vitamin D, calcium and soy isoflavones. Calcium in combination with vitamin D are aimed at replenishing the deficiency of these components in the body. It is vitamin D that allows the body to digest calcium and accumulate it. Together they participate in the formation of bone tissue, serve as a preventive measure against osteoporosis, prevent brittle bones, and improve the growth of nails and hair.

Soy isoflavones – a very useful component necessary for women’s health. It contains cadium, manganese, iron, folic acid, and B vitamins. Soy isoflavones increase the tone of blood vessels and muscles, have a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, normalize the hormonal background in women. Preparations with soy isoflavones are prescribed to women at menopause. The effectiveness of the drug has been proven to reduce pain symptoms in menopause.

How to take: 5 capsules during the day.

Ingredients: Calcium 921.5 mg, Vitamin D 0.0028 mg, Soy extract 25.0 mg, Lactobionic acid 66.7 mg, crystalline cellulose 315.0 mg, powdered reduced maltose 284.2 mg, sucrose fatty acid ester 87.5 mg, silicon oxide 31.5 mg, Carboxymethylcellulose Na 18.6 mg.


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