Domestic Perfect Vegetables Premium DHC 32 Vegetable Complex

¥1 356

Vitamin complex for additional supply of vitamins, minerals and other essential substances in the body in case of insufficient nutrition.

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SKU: ZM958905
Brand: DHC
Category: Health
Weight with packaging: 70 g
Dimensions: 1 × 13 × 17 cm

Vitamin complex Domestic Perfect Vegetables from DHC supports the body’s metabolism at the proper level. It improves its condition and slows down aging, accelerates recovery after stress, exhaustion and illness.

The drug strengthens immunity, creates favorable conditions for the cardiovascular, digestive, reproductive and nervous system. It helps to keep the muscles toned, normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol levels, improves blood circulation. It helps the body cope with the lack of oxygen and sunlight, excretes metabolic waste products, restores the liver and thyroid gland.

Thanks to the abundance of yellow and red vegetables, the complex improves visual acuity and clarity, thanks to yeast eliminates stress phenomena, increases cognitive and intellectual abilities, gives strength and energy, corrects the hormonal background. The complex contains only natural extracts of vegetables.

Regular use of vitamin complex leads to weight loss, improved health and mood.

Composition: white cabbage extract, broccoli extract, sweet potato extract, onion extract, pumpkin extract, corn extract, Chinese cabbage extract, carrot extract, potato extract, shatrez cabbage extract, spinach extract, radish extract, taro extract, mulberry leaf extract, garlic extract, ginger extract, parsley extract, burdock rhizome extract, celery extract, bitter gourd fruit extract, wormwood extract, asparagus extract, red perilla extract, green soybean extract, okra extract, powdered barley sprout extract, dextrin, vitamin E, lactic acid bacteria, yeast, cellulose, glycerol and fatty acid esters, silicon.

How to use: 2 tablets in the morning and evening with meals.


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