Matsuura Jimeigan phytotherapeutic agent for tinnitus

¥4 409

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SKU: ZM906693
Category: Dietary and Nutritional Supplements
Weight with packaging: 230 g
Dimensions: 6 × 6 × 11 cm

Matsuura Jimeigan is a phytotherapeutic preparation based on medicinal Chinese herbs. Matsuura Jimeigan is used for tinnitus (anemic tinnitus). Consultation with a doctor is required before use. The drug has age restrictions and is not recommended for use by children under 15 years of age.

Ingredients: rehmannia gummy – 118.88 mg, tree peony – 415.80 mg, dogwood – 555.66 mg, poria cocoides – 415.80 mg, sanyaku – 555.66 mg, volodushka Chinese – 151.20 mg, otolith – 10 mg.

Directions for use: Adults 15 years and older should take 9 tablets twice a day, morning and evening course of 20 days. For 30 minutes before taking and 30 minutes after taking the drug is not recommended to drink tea and coffee. For a better effect of the drug, it is recommended to drink warm, slightly salty water.


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