DHC Peppermint Refresh Respiratory Freshening Tablets

¥1 094

A remedy for fresh breath and oral health.

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SKU: ZM106328
Brand: DHC
Category: Daily Care
Weight with packaging: 70 g
Dimensions: 3 × 6 × 12 cm

DHC Peppermint Refresh tablets are designed to keep your breath clean for a longer period of time. They eliminate the factors that cause unpleasant odor.

The product neutralizes particularly strong odors such as garlic or alcohol. It acts instantly and makes the breath pleasant and fresh. After use, a pleasant light taste remains in the mouth for a long time.

Menthol combined with peppermint give a cool sensation and act as powerful deodorizing ingredients that prevent the formation and manifestation of odors. Parsley seed oil and peppermint oil enhance the effect of the product and contribute to all-round wellness. They are characterized by bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to deodorizing effect, parsley oil helps to relieve psycho-emotional tension, improve the oral cavity.Peppermint oil helps to fight gum disease, strengthens immunity, promotes the removal of toxins from the body.

Tablets improve oral health and prevent the multiplication of bacteria and the development of diseases.

How to take: 2 capsules as needed.

Ingredients: menthol – 35 mg, apiol – 0.4 mg, sunflower oil, peppermint oil, parsley seed oil, parsley leaf oil, flavoring, glycerin, gelatin.


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