Carotene A FANCL

¥1 556

The nutritional supplement replenishes the body’s 6 main types of natural carotenoids.

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SKU: ZM804533
Brand: FANCL
Category: Dietary and Nutritional Supplements
Weight with packaging: 50 g
Dimensions: 3.5 × 13 × 19 cm

Carotenoids are a source of vitamin A in the body. It is indispensable in processes related to vision, growth, bone and skeletal formation, reproduction, protection against various bacterial and fungal diseases. The most popular carotenoids include: alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein, lycopene. Vitamin A is necessary for the endocrine system, to increase immunity, to slow down the aging process. The drug is a powerful antioxidant, increases the protective function of the immune system. The complex contains lutein, which protects the retina from the harmful effects of the ultraviolet part of sunlight. The supplement normalizes cholesterol metabolism, suppresses painful intestinal microflora, prevents the development of sclerosis, promotes weight loss, slows the development of oxidative processes in the cells and tissues of the body, shows protective functions to prostate, cervical and breast cancer. The complex allows you to balance the necessary amount of carotenes in the body.

How to take: 1 tablet a day.

Ingredients: beta-carotene 7.2 mg, alpha-carotene 1.4 mg, lycopene 4 mg, lutein 6 mg, zeaxanthin 0.4 mg, beta-cryptoxanthin 20 mg.

The equivalent amount of vitamin A is 660 mg.


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