Insomnia drug L-serine FANCL

¥8 247

A drug to improve sleep.

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SKU: ZM829942
Brand: FANCL
Category: Health
Weight with packaging: 150 g
Dimensions: 5 × 8 × 12 cm

L-serine from FANCL is designed to save you from insomnia and constant sleepiness. The drug provides a calm and deep sleep, relieves stress, treats chronic fatigue syndrome and eliminates muscle weakness. Theanine improves the quality of sleep, relaxes, normalizes brain function and increases its capacity. Vitamin B6 improves blood supply and nutrition of tissues with useful substances, oxygen and moisture. Vitamin B12 is responsible for energy metabolism and intensive work of the nervous system. Niacin increases immunity, improves tissue respiration and blood flow, improves attention and mood.

Ingredients: L-serine, theanine, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, niacin.

How to use: the contents of the package stir in 200 ml of water or other liquid, drink 30 minutes before bedtime. No more than once a day.


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