L-Citrulline DHC

¥1 903

A drug to improve blood supply to the muscles.

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SKU: ZM103043
Brand: DHC
Category: Dietary and Nutritional Supplements
Weight with packaging: 45 g
Dimensions: 2 × 11 × 15 cm

L-citrulline supplies nitric oxide to the muscles, which improves blood flow in the muscles, thus improving their nutrition and endurance, and ensures the balance of nitrogenous substances in the body. This substance is one of the sources of arginine. Arginine regulates nitrogen absorption and removes protein slags from the body, accelerates blood circulation and participates in the removal of ammonia from the blood.

Citrulline strengthens the immune system, intensifies energy metabolism. This substance is necessary for the synthesis of a number of enzymes, active growth and proper nervous system.

Ingredients (daily dose): L-citrulline – 825 mg, arginine – 150 mg, crystalline cellulose, silicon dioxide, calcium stearate, gelatin, colors (caramel, titanium oxide).

To avoid allergic reactions, carefully read the composition! Do not exceed the dose. At the first signs of malaise, stop taking the drug.

Directions for use: Take 1 tablet 3 times a day before or during meals.


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