MTG ReFa ACTIVE BRAIN Brain Stimulator Massager

¥21 120

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SKU: ZM873225
Brand: MTG ReFa
Category: Massagers
Weight with packaging: N/A
Dimensions: N/A
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The MTG ReFa ACTIVE BRAIN brain stimulator consists of a sphere with 32 buttons. Rotating it in the hand and pressing the buttons develops finger mobility and relieves tension. The massager helps to develop the motor skills of the hands. Active work of the hands forms active nerve connections between the fingers and fine motor centers in the brain. Stimulation of the motor centers improves verbal and logical thinking, as well as oratorical abilities. The massager relieves stress and mental fatigue, calms and promotes concentration.

How to use: Take the massager in your hand, rotate it and simultaneously press the buttons. Then repeat in the other hand.


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