Epoch Hoipuru Fruitcake molding set

¥3 608

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SKU: ZM526654
Brand: EPOCH
Category: Young pastry chef
Weight with packaging: 300 g
Dimensions: 6 × 10 × 17 cm

The Epoch Hoipuru molding kit contains artificial cream that looks like real whipped cream. It makes it easy to create sweets that look very similar to the real thing. What makes Epoch Hoipuru special is the unique texture of the cream, which completely replicates the texture of whipped cream. All the necessary ingredients are included in the set. To create a culinary masterpiece it is enough to remove the cap from the pastry bag. The cream freezes in the given shape. With the set Epoch Hoipuru fun to create original author’s sweets, decorating them with fruits and beads. To the finished toy you can attach a chain and make a key chain. Everything pictured on the box is included in the set.


  • Before use, cover the table with a tablecloth or newspaper sheets.
  • Prepare the cream immediately before use. The cream dries easily, be sure to close the cap when not in use.
  • Do not wet the finished product.
  • The amount of cream is calculated for the decoration of one set, in case of excessive use there may be a shortage of cream.

Method of application:

  • Without removing the cap, knead the contents of the bag well (about 100 times).
  • Using a ruler, push the contents to the base of the package.
  • The top of the bag to fix the rubber band, so that the rubber band tightly hold the cream at the base of the bag.
  • Remove the cap, quickly remove the membrane, return the nozzle and cap to its place.
  • Drying time: top layer – 1-2 hours complete drying – 1-2 days.

For children from 8 years old.


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