Episteme Treatment Clear 3 Deep Moisturizing Lotion

¥14 288

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SKU: ZM498957
Brand: Episteme
Category: Anti-aging
Weight with packaging: 250 g
Dimensions: 5 × 5 × 15 cm
Scope150 ml

Episteme Treatment Clear Deep Moisturizing Lotion is designed for skin that is showing more and more signs of aging. The skin becomes dry and thin, loses elasticity and firmness. The lotion contains unique components, carefully selected and balanced. The active ingredients are plum fruit extract and edelweiss extract. Plum fruit extract promotes skin rejuvenation, giving it softness, firmness and elasticity. Edelweiss extract has a powerful anti-aging, softening and moisturizing effect. The lotion contains evening primrose oil, which is a natural source of gamma-linolenic acid. Responsible for the production of hormone-like substances in the body – prostaglandins. Regulates inflammation, pain reactions, hormone production, cholesterol levels and blood pressure, blood clotting, skin conditions and fluid metabolism. Evening primrose oil is suitable for the care of dry and fading skin. It has an anti-aging effect – helps to get rid of shallow wrinkles and improves skin elasticity. Lotion is enriched with soy protein. Soy proteins tone, stimulate the activity of skin cells, improve its structure and appearance. They are able to slow down the process of premature skin aging and have a lifting effect.

How to use: After cleansing the skin, put on a cotton pad the necessary amount of product (about 1 cm in diameter). Carefully apply the product to the face as follows: from the center of the face to the outside, moving from bottom to top. To complete the treatment, apply the product to the neck, moving from top to bottom.


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