Episteme Dual Energy Rejuvenating Serum

¥21 841

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SKU: ZM103127
Brand: Episteme
Category: Anti-aging
Weight with packaging: 250 g
Dimensions: 4 × 7 × 13 cm
Scope40 ml

Episteme Dual Energy Rejuvenating Serum, a unique cosmetic product, consists of two products. Their combination has an excellent tightening effect and removes wrinkles. The serum contains an innovative rejuvenating complex. Unique components – licorice leaf extract and Robert’s geranium extract – have a powerful rejuvenating effect. The leaf extract has a whitening effect and prevents the appearance of age spots. Licorice extract perfectly relieves irritation, gets rid of swelling and skin inflammation. It has an anti-aging effect, stimulates the production of collagen fibers. Geranium extract stimulates regenerating properties of the body, restoring cellular balance and caring for dry fading skin. Geranium cleanses the skin, normalizing the function of sebaceous glands and moisturizes dry skin. PQQ ( vitamin B 14) is a water-soluble component of a group of enzymes. Vitamin PQQ affects the cells of the body, preventing their programmed death, thus rejuvenating the skin. AG Cleansing Complex contains plum fruit extract and edelweiss extract. Plum fruit extract helps to rejuvenate the skin, making it soft, firm and elastic. Edelweiss extract has powerful anti-aging, softening and moisturizing properties. The unique and colossal amount of active components makes the serum a real rejuvenating essence. The result is visible after several applications – smooth, firm and fresh skin. The product is suitable for neck and décolleté care.

How to use: After the usual skin care, squeeze the necessary amount of serum on your hand (two presses are enough). Thoroughly mix both types of serum, pink and white. Gently and evenly apply to the face.


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