Kanebo L’equil Shampoo Volume Up

¥4 062

Shampoo to give you dizzying volume.

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SKU: ZM903209
Brand: Kanebo
Category: Shampoos
Weight with packaging: 450 g
Dimensions: 7 × 7 × 17 cm
Scope400 ml
Product series

Kanebo L’equil Shampoo Volume Up cleanses hair of dirt and grease. After using the shampoo, hair becomes manageable and easy to create any style. The shampoo smooths the hair and gives extra volume from the roots. Hair becomes light and silky. The shampoo foams beautifully, forming a thick foam with very fine air bubbles. The shampoo contains jojoba leaf extract and avocado extract, which act as softening and revitalizing ingredients.

How to use: Apply the shampoo to damp hair. For better volume, it is recommended to apply shampoo mainly from the ends of the hair.


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