Cosme Baby Foot Peeling Socks (size S)

¥2 079

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SKU: ZM074905
Brand: Cosme
Category: Peeling socks
Weight with packaging: 120 g
Dimensions: 2 × 14 × 20 cm

Cosme Baby Foot peeling socks are designed according to the shape of the foot and filled with a special composition. The composition includes 17 elements, including extracts of the best healing herbs – calendula, chamomile, burdock root, horsetail, orange and lemon oils, thanks to which, not only dead skin cells are removed, but the renewed skin receives additional nourishment, moisturizing and care. The main ingredients are fruit acids such as lactic acid, glycolic acid, malic acid, citric acid and citrus acid, which are found in fruits. Socks stimulate metabolic processes at the cellular level, slow down skin aging, increase the vitality of cells, normalize the activity of sebaceous and sweat glands, give the skin elasticity and elasticity, treat cracks, calluses and abrasions, as well as have antifungal action. Within 5-10 days after application there will be intensive exfoliation of keratinized skin, after which the skin of feet will become smooth and soft.

Size S for feet up to 24 cm.

How to use: put on the socks and fasten them with a sticker. Put on top of regular socks, so that the exfoliating mask for feet tightly adhered to the skin. After 30 minutes, remove the exfoliating socks and wash your feet.


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