Kanebo Twany Aroma Hand Cream

¥2 758

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SKU: ZM707109
Brand: Kanebo
Category: Hand cream
Weight with packaging: 80 g
Dimensions: 3 × 5 × 12 cm
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Kanebo Twany Aroma Hand Cream provides your skin with complete care. It moisturizes, nourishes and protects against UV radiation. Gentle consistency allows the cream to be quickly absorbed into the skin without leaving sticky and greasy spots. The skin softens and becomes silky.Suitable for everyday hand care. For any skin type. The cream is based on natural plant oils and extracts. They nourish and soften the skin. Make it elastic and resistant to damage. It contains squalane for intensive moisturizing of the skin. The cream has a delightful floral and herbal fragrance.

How to use: Apply the required amount of cream on the skin of hands smoothly massaging movements until fully absorbed.


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