Mineral-Vitamin P.Shine 1 Paste

¥1 403

Mineral and vitamin paste for nail plate nourishment.

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SKU: ZM910911
Brand: P Shine
Category: Nail care
Weight with packaging: 50 g
Dimensions: 3 × 5 × 5 cm
Weight of goods

Mineral-vitamin paste saturates the nail plate with vitamins and minerals, restores and strengthens nails. The technology of the procedure does not involve changing the structure of the nail plate. The paste is applied only on the outgrown part. The paste contains diatom clay (high content of sulfur and silicon). Sulfur plays the role of a structural component, and silicon triggers the mechanism of regeneration and start to growth. Water and glycerin play the role of hydro-component. Stearic acid is the fatty component. Triethanolamine has the function of ordering the regeneration processes, normalizes and soothes, as well as improves the penetration into the depth of the nail elements of the paste, such as silicon, potassium, stearic acid. After using the paste, the nails regain a natural healthy look.


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