Lion Dentor Salt Tsubo and Herbal Medicine Toothpaste

¥1 213

Toothpaste with extracts of medicinal plants and salt to strengthen gums.

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SKU: ZM364325
Brand: LION
Category: Toothpastes
Weight with packaging: 230 g
Dimensions: 4 × 6 × 20 cm
Weight of goods

Toothpaste with herbal extracts and Lion Dentor Salt Tsubo and Herbal Medicine. The toothpaste combines two natural antiseptics with healing and astringent properties that penetrate and strengthen the gums. Amur velvet extract (yellow colored substance) strengthens gums, prevents bleeding and swelling of gums arising from inflammatory processes, medicinal salt stimulates blood circulation in gums, effectively prevents periodontal disease. Toothpaste has a fresh taste of mint and medicinal plants and helps to keep a pleasant flavor in the mouth after brushing teeth for a long time. Use in the morning and evening.


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