Kao 8 × 4 Roll-on Sensitive Deodorant

¥1 534

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SKU: ZM409880
Brand: KAO
Category: Deodorants
Weight with packaging: 100 g
Dimensions: 5 × 7 × 15 cm
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Product series

Kao 8 × 4 Roll-on Sensitive deodorant is designed for sensitive skin. It does not cause irritation or discomfort. The deodorant gets rid of unpleasant underarm odor. It fights the cause of odor – bacteria. It has a bactericidal effect and strengthens the immunity of the skin. Aluminum hydroxide kills bacteria and viruses, ensuring clean and healthy skin. The fine powder ensures that the surface of the skin is soft and gentle. It absorbs moisture and reduces fluid production by sweat glands. After applying the deodorant, the underarm skin remains dry for a long time.

How to use: Apply deodorant on pre-cleaned underarm skin, wait for complete drying.


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