Orbis Dryskin Gel Lotion For Body

¥2 316

Moisturizing lotion for dry and very dry skin.

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SKU: ZM883493
Brand: ORBIS
Category: Lotions and Creams
Weight with packaging: 200 g
Dimensions: 5 × 7 × 18 cm
Scope150 ml
Product series

Orbis Dryskin lotion effectively replenishes moisture to very dry skin, giving a feeling of comfort and freshness. The lotion is rich in valuable microelements. The lotion protects the skin from negative external factors, prevents skin from weathered and flaky skin. Contains vitamin E – has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, acts as an antioxidant. Lotion contains amino acids – keep the skin young and firm. Thanks to the content of wormwood and peach extracts, the lotion reduces inflammation and redness. Perfectly soothes skin irritations and relieves the feeling of tightness.

Tips for use: Apply a little lotion to clean skin, spread until absorbed.


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