Shower Gel Biore u Smoothy Body Wash

¥1 163

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SKU: ZM877440
Brand: KAO
Category: Shower gels
Weight with packaging: 550 g
Dimensions: 5 × 8 × 20 cm
Scope480 ml
Product series

Biore u Smoothy Body Wash cleanses and leaves the skin soft. The gel foams perfectly. Fine bubbles penetrate the pores and cleanse impurities and excess sebum. The gel improves metabolism in cells and provides healing of minor injuries and irritations. It has low acidity. Suitable for the care of particularly sensitive skin. Does not provoke the appearance of redness and itching. After using the gel, the skin becomes supple, moisturized and soft.

How to use: Mix a little of the product with water, foam with the resulting foam to remove impurities, rinse thoroughly with warm water.


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