Bath Roman rosehip oil bath salts

¥1 650

Bath salts with rosehip oil.

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SKU: ZM204272
Brand: Bath Roman
Category: Bath salts
Weight with packaging: 750 g
Dimensions: 11 × 11 × 19 cm
Weight of goods

Bath Roman bath salt with rosehip oil perfectly moisturizes the skin. Rosehip oil contains a large amount of essential fatty acids. The high content of vitamins C, E and A makes rosehip oil an effective antioxidant. Vitamin C maintains skin elasticity. Vitamin A has a brightening effect. Vitamin E keeps the skin fresh and youthful. A warm bath with a pleasant aroma of roses will soothe and moisturize the skin.

The package is designed for 22 treatments.

How to use: add 30 grams of the product in a hot bath.


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