Bath Roman Premium Bath Salts

¥1 679

Bath Salts Maximum Moisturizing.

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SKU: ZM895012
Brand: Bath Roman
Category: Bath salts
Weight with packaging: 750 g
Dimensions: 11 × 11 × 19 cm
Weight of goods

Placenta extract, hyaluronic acid and squalane are added to the bath salt. All useful substances penetrate into the skin, making it more beautiful and youthful. Hyaluronic acid, placenta extract and squalane intensively nourish and moisturize the skin, smooth wrinkles and slow down the aging process, make the skin firmer and more elastic.

Bath salt will not only allow you to relax after a working day, but will also help to maintain health, make the skin velvety and firm after the first use.

The package is designed for 22 procedures.

How to use: add 30 grams of the product in a hot bath.


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