KAO BUB Japanese cypress bath salt

¥2 775

Bath salts in effervescent tablets with Japanese cypress oil.

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SKU: ZM118334
Brand: KAO
Category: Bath salts
Weight with packaging: 600 g
Dimensions: 5 × 12 × 9 cm

Bath salt in effervescent tablets has a healing effect. Carbon dioxide, which is part of the salt, improves blood circulation, tissues are better supplied with oxygen. Bath salt perfectly relieves fatigue, has a warming effect, helps relax the muscles in the cervical spine. It has a beneficial effect in osteochondrosis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, neuralgia, rheumatism, lower back pain, hemorrhoids, sweating, frostbite, dry skin, eczema, acne. Tablets contain oil of Japanese cypress, which calms, fights stress and gives a good mood. Salt baths are an affordable therapeutic and preventive remedy to restore the immune and nervous systems, to maintain beauty and health.

How to use: add one tablet to the water when filling the bath.


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