LION Pair Acne Cream W

¥1 626

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SKU: ZM594763
Brand: LION
Category: For acne
Weight with packaging: 100 g
Dimensions: 3 × 4 × 12 cm
Weight of goods

LION Pair treatment cream effectively combats existing acne and prevents the appearance of new acne. Results are visible after the first application. High doses of thymol and ibuprofen guarantee the healing effect of the cream. Thymol kills harmful microorganisms that cause inflammation, as well as strengthens and cleanses the skin. Ibuprofen reduces inflammation and accelerates drying. The cream protects against the appearance of scars after acne. The product is easy to apply and quickly absorbed. Does not leave traces on the application sites. The cream is not visible on the skin.

Active ingredients (of the total mass): ibuprofen – 3%, thymol – 0.3%, cosmetic base.

How to use: before the first application, turn without removing the cap of the cream and run the protective coating, apply topically on problem areas 2-3 times a day. It is recommended to use together with the complex against acne.


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