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SKU: ZM482843
Brand: IPSA
Category: Lotions
Weight with packaging: 300 g
Dimensions: 5 × 5 × 13 cm
Scope180 ml

IPSA PREMIER LINE LOTION SERUM cleanses, exfoliates and saturates the skin with essential amino acids. The lotion visibly tightens the skin and corrects the facial oval. The serum in the lotion helps to smooth deep wrinkles and improves skin turgor. The lotion deeply cleanses the skin and shrinks pores. The face becomes fresh and smooth. The lotion contains proline, which stimulates collagen synthesis. Chinese witch hazel root extract relieves itching, inflammation, opens pores and cleanses them. Heather extract helps with dermatitis and mechanical damage to the skin. Betaine softens and moisturizes. Serine raises the energy tone of the skin. Arginine improves metabolism and removes protein breakdown products from the skin. Tocopherol protects the skin from ultraviolet light, intensifies blood circulation in the skin, supplying the skin with oxygen and nutrients. Chrysanthemum extract removes toxins and relieves skin stress.


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