SHISEIDO REVITAL Cream Enscience AA EX Night Cream

¥16 588

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SKU: ZM867112
Brand: Shiseido
Category: Anti-aging
Weight with packaging: 200 g
Dimensions: 6 × 6 × 5 cm
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Product series

SHISEIDO REVITAL Cream Enscience AA EX Night Cream gives your skin firmness and elasticity to restore its youthfulness. It is designed for dry, sensitive and aging skin. The cream has nourishing, softening and moisturizing properties. Ginger extract and glycerin fill every cell with moisture, smoothing the relief of the face and giving it shine. Evening primrose bio-oil and squalane restore the skin’s protective barrier and have antioxidant and nourishing effect. The cream has a thick and delicate consistency. It is easily distributed on the skin without leaving stickiness. The skin becomes soft and supple. It has a light floral fragrance.

How to use: The cream is applied after thoroughly cleaning the face. Taking a little means (the size of a small bead), apply it to the skin from the center of the face to the sides, and then from bottom to top. The movements should be massaging and light as a fluff.


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